Friday, July 21, 2006

Look how they shine for you

The one & only, TAN QIAN YUE

A short video I took two days before the Prefect Installation, while we were working on the decorations in the hall. I love this one particularly. There's no wonder why we call her Superstar, eh?

Rasyad Emir a.k.a Panda

Our work of art! Referring to Qian & I *sniff* I'm so proud. Hmm... oddly enough, Rasyad didn't really protest or anything. I suppose, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?

Walk of fame

Melanie's brilliant idea which we were all extremely proud of. Basically, after you've accepted your award, you're suppose to look for the star that has the award title you've received & sign it. So totally Hollywood

I would be telling a HUGE lie if I said that our Prefect Installation went just the way I would have wanted it to be. Frustration actually drove me to a point where I desperately felt like crying buckets of tears. It was probably due to the fact that I have this horrid habit of bottling everything up, so when something happens, that others may see as rather insignificant, I tend to go off like a time bomb.

The hightlight of the day? Without doubt, the band performance by The FARKES (Fareez, Adli, Rasyad, Kashfi, Eugene & Stanley), as Stan claims their band name to be, (pronounciation? Duuuuude come on, use your imagination). They really did shift things into a brighter perspective.

Hearing our dear juniors say that they will miss us, or even how much they respect & appreciate all we've done, makes everything we've been through feel absolutely worth it.

The years I've spent as a prefect have been the best years of my school life, heartbreaking moments & all.


At 11:09 PM, Blogger Kirstin Wong said...

Hehehe, buckets of tears. I think I might have landed up laughing >< just to lighten up the mood and make you laugh :P

Of course it was all worth it. Need I elaborate on this? :P

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me crying would make you laugh?..........hmmmm....

no elaboration necessary =)

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Kirstin Wong said...

hahaha, i don't mean it as an offence really. it some messed reaction my brain would send ><

but i'll be damn worried la..and kinda clueless as to how to stop you from crying :P

At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm simple, get a small bucket and then she cld fill it up, once it's done she'd stop...:P (please laugh...even if it's for symphaty...) :P

At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try not to bottle them up then.
(I give you this advice because you are really scary when you blow up...) have TONS of friends that will be willing to listen and help you out with your problems so drop them a line when you need a shoulder to lean on =p

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

imran, sha said bucket's' with an 's'. that means more than one. and by the way.
"not funny lor!".


At 11:44 PM, Blogger Shahira said...

Kirstin-->Heh, I know you don't. Just pulling your leg.

Imran-->Err.....I don't get it..>__>;

Pradheep-->I don't mean to be scary >< If you keep things in for too long,it all turns sour,ya? And when it finally comes out, it tends to sound awfully harsh and bitter..
But I am working on it.
Thanks, I'll definitely keep that in mind.

At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahah, Shahira unless ur really good at lame jokes u won't understand, see eugene did :P anyways for get it, was just mumbling :P


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