Monday, March 05, 2007


Pronunciation: (u-lōn'), [key]
—adj.(used predicatively)
1. separate, apart, or isolated from others: I want to be alone.
2. to the exclusion of all others or all else: One cannot live by bread alone.
3. unique; unequaled; unexcelled: He is alone among his peers in devotion to duty.
4. leave alone,
a. to allow (someone) to be by himself or herself: Leave him alone--he wants to rest.
b. to refrain from annoying or interfering with: The youngsters wouldn't leave the dog alone, and he finally turned on them.

I don't think I've ever been very fond of big crowds, aside from that involving family and not-so-distant relatives or close friends.

I've always dreaded weddings,

And parties,

And large gatherings,

And big group outings,

And funerals, no, not just cause it means someone died.

A "reunion" loses its meaning when its done much too frequently. Lets say, twice every god forsaken month. It's one thing to miss and want to cherish fond memories but it tips at the edge of being completely preposterous when constantly obsessing over that of which has come to pass..

It's all just way too tiresome.


At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How right you are Sha, I myself am NOT a fan of crowds and people. Sometimes being alone just feels more like home.

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasyad! What a surprise.

I love little quiet personal moments; Lying in bed late at night with Kak Meera talking about anything and everything, watching some random movie half way through with my dad;

I suppose it has alot to do with the whole 'comfort zone' thing, you know? Many just tend to prefer being around people they're comfortable with.

Thanks for the comment, Rasyad =)


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