Monday, February 26, 2007

You know damn well that this is wrong~

It'll sink in...




I can't believe I've just missed out on THE Muse concert!. It just HAD to be one of the best live bands, EVER..



Okay, okay.

Happy thoughts, happy place.

Right, on to other matters..

I've finally got myself a part-time job. I do feel like I'm missing out on something, considering I'm working at home. But there's little to complain about really. It's an easy enough job, it pays well and not to mention, insanely flexible working hours.

Aside from loosing out on 'the reality working life experience you can only get OUT THERE',

One could not ask for more.

Oh well.

P.S: I passed my driving test last Wed. I'm immensely grateful but I don't think it's really worth writing a whole post about.


P.P.S: Someone still has my BLEACH cd's!! I'd REALLY appreciate if you'd return them....


Friday, February 09, 2007

True Colours

Only quite recently I’ve discovered for myself the wonders of YouTube.

Yes, a little late, but better late than never as they say.

It’s funny (no, not the laugh out loud kind of ‘funny’. As the insightful sister of mine pointed out, “funny” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a laughing matter) my daily life seems to center around The Oprah Winfrey Show.


From spectacular new discoveries of life, to delicious recipes, it’s ‘everything Oprah’ these days.

“I know! It’s like what Oprah said-..”

*Gasp* “Seriously?! Oprah was saying that-..”

Well, you catch my drift.

What’s strangely amusing is that after my post on self hatred, I seem to have come across countless Oprah shows on the related matter.

One particular show, there was something Dr. Robin said that made me sit up in my chair. She mentioned how someone you’re in a relationship with, often your spouse, tends to express to you verbally, or physically, what your ‘inner self’ is telling you.

Confused? Don’t be. Here, let me explain;

A lady that came on during the show had gained 100 pounds after two failed marriages and now, her 3rd husband verbally abuses her; constantly calling her a fat arse and telling her that there’s no way she’s good enough for anyone else.

But words can’t hurt us unless we believe them.

Exactly the point Dr. Robin was making. Because all that was said to this poor lady verbally by her mean husband was what she was, ever so often, telling herself.

Now that is an A-HA! moment.

Its amazing how important it really is to attain self acceptance and find peace within yourself. Did you know that a mothers ‘psychological pain’ can somewhat be ‘transferred’ to her child? Not only that, it tends to magnify and blow out of proportion too.

I couldn’t help but think..

“Great, not only do I have to stop hating myself so my husband wouldn't 'express' it towards me, now I’ve even got to worry about what emotional scars I may pass on to my children??”

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy..

What a day for a daydream~

Absolutely La-la-LOVE this one.

Thanks to Kak Meera, I can't get Paolo Nutini + Jehro's 'Daydream' out of my head.

Which is not a bad thing, obviously.

Mmmmm~ it makes me wanna daydream..

Oh, what I'd give to be able to whistle to this.