Arrrr..what 'ave we 'ere?
The 2nd installment was nothing short of brilliant. With its comical humour, mind blowing special effects and stunning soundtrack, it was simply spectecular. I loved every bit of it.
Here are two other movies I would highly recommend..
Movies that depict mythological histories, or even distant fairy tales have always caught my interest. If you have that same keen interest in genres of the sort, then you should definitely give these two a go.
I only did watch King Arthur a few weeks back. Yes, it was out last year, wasnt it?.. I pretty much pushed aside the thought of watching it after a harsh comment on the movie by a friend (err.. I can't seem to recall who it was..) who obviously, did not fancy it the slightest bit.
Troy, I've watched several times already now. "A movie of epic proportions" said one of the reviews at the back of the dvd case. They weren't kidding.
The history potrayed in both movies aren't exactly precise. As an example, characters are often more herioc or noble than they really were. Minor problems though, that CAN and SHOULD be overlooked.